Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 2 - 30 Days of Write.....Haikugore

Horror inspired Haikus for the scaaaarry "Day After the Dios De Los Muertes".

I bet for some of you this is a scaaaaary day, what with the hangovers and such....or possibly waking up next to that dude from the costume party, his McCain mask and wig stuck to your ass. Even scaaaarrier would be if his phone that kept ringing this morning was that woman from the party dressed as Palin...also his wife. aaaaaaannnd....your dog watched. didn't even wakeup with your costume on the ground (where is yours?)......and the neck rash? What the...!!!!!!!!!!!!

Order yourself a pizza and atone later today.

Horror Haikus by monkey...(a Junkie-Vampire...Pedophile Clown...Current 401K...Sad Over-the-Top Fetish Dude...Sour Grapes Guy...Homestyle Surgeon...EgoManiac

Your blood is not bland
It tastes of blue-black metal
Nectar in my gear

Damn clown makeup mess
I hope the van runs this time
Kids packed in the back

Retirement time
Seems so far away now right?
Negative numbers...

Special treat for you
Ballgag and whip custom made
Without you I fail

But I love you babe
You don't want me now so what
Your ass is too big

Your skin is like milk
This won't hurt too much hold still
Attaching my tubes

You cannot believe
The amount of pain I have
To be this awesome

Happy Sunday!


tipsy texter said...

that made me feel kind of icky. loved it.

monkeyrind said...

perfect! You should have read the ones that I didn't put up...the ones that made ME feel icky!

Dani Dudek said...

I dig this - especially:

Special treat for you
Ballgag and whip custom made
Without you I fail

Sarah13 said...

uh, these are so like
totally awesome n' stuff
Haiku High Priestess