Wednesday, September 2, 2009

oh...the disdain...

I had written a blog that was wonderful...shorthand, and was something I was prepared to re-write and post.

Then I saw the "exercise". I don't know if I can ignore it. I think I am forced to write now, with no planning and only the spell check to keep me in line. Ha! (Can there be content check?)

"Write about something you despise"

1. Bad Hygiene. Period. and periods...

2. No napkin in lap.

3. Eye contact avoidance.

4. Rudeness to the staff.

5. Ignoring the blinking light at the side of the room that says, "It's time to you know what time it is TIME to dance...i SAID do you KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? IT IS TIME TO...blah blah got it. (This is to close the " because I was too excited to do it at the right time,)...DANCE!!!!!" (there it is...the pause threw me off)(...)

Okay, I made that one up.

6. Passive agressive behavior. If you have anything that could be close to agressive behavior, do it real quick and all will be fine. Passive aggressive? We will not solve your problem, well...ever.(and you will die alone as you suspected)...sad lot.

7. Turkeys

8. Slugs

9. Hip Surgery...wait, that will be okay.

10. My dog with a bladder right now.


monkeyrind said...

"I didn't understand the exercise." What movie was that in?

sk said...

I really enjoyed your list. You despise turkeys?? Why?

Dawson Clawson said...

there is nothing wrong with scrumtrilescent turkey legs