Monday, July 6, 2009

come on....really!?!

I have not done a stunning job with the old fact, I believe I still have a few of the senses to write about...which I will.

But not tonight.

All I am noting tonight...due to a low level of Monday something I noticed at dinner.

While eating a lovely Tom Kha Scallop soup I couldn't help but notice the woman at the table next to us. She was very carefully and quietly blowing her nose into a tissue. At first I thought it was polite of her to do it so slowly and in low tones....but after LITERALLY 6 minutes of the steady nose blowing I was ready to pull a Neti Pot out of my purse for her. Hell, I had time to go to the store and buy one for her while she was still doing it.

It was amazing that I was so bothered by it, but it was like water torture! Okay...that's an exaggeration....but it was real yucky.

That's all I got tonight.
Sleep then...

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