Monday, April 27, 2009

Hot Brads...

This morning as I was getting ready for work I had the joy of experiencing one of my favorite physical sensations. It made me think about how such small incidents and sensations can have such a great and intense effect on me.
Over the next few days, I am going to write on the different senses…..not a wildly original topic, but something I enjoy thinking on nonetheless.

Sense of Touch

Some of my favorite physical sensations starting with the one from this morning:

1. Removing my jeans from the dryer and putting them on right away, which leads to several hot spots where the white hot brads are burning my bare skin for a second.

2. The bitter ache of my feet right as I remove absurdly constrictive heels that I have worn for 16 hours.

3. Clothing vibrating against my skin in the Meat Beat Manifest show because of the volume.

4. The moment when you are massaging someone’s skin that you can feel their muscles relax.

5. Too much Novocain…this is a love/hate item.

6. Standing in a bathing suit in the Adirondack Mountains while waiting for my turn to parasail…and it was 36 degrees…Fahrenheit.

7. Getting in the water after #6 to help retrieve people….which felt warm and steamy…and impossibly thick.

8. The jostling when driving on a hot sunny summer afternoon with someone who likes to not talk in the car….Manu Chao on the radio and icy spots on my arms from the AC. That is total relaxation for me.

9. Pinching someone else’s REALLY REALLY naughty kid. I haven’t done this in years…and won’t again…but it felt great!

10. Sleeping with my hand on my puppy’s belly, and the fact that putting my hand there knocks her out immediately.

11. Getting past the point where someone’s skin next to mine is too hot…and not moving away. Eventually I don’t notice the heat anymore and we melt together.


sk said...

I really agree with you on so many of these!

1. Yes!! Hopping up and down and holding the waistband away from my stomach. love it.

2. I love stretching my feet as soon as I get them out of heels, heavenly

3. I love that feeling, as long as the music isn't too discordant, which screws with my heart rate and breathing. My Bloody Valentine felt amazing

10. I do the same thing with one of my cats and it feels so good

11. I really just like the way you phrased this. beautiful.

monkeyrind said...

I wish I had gone to My Bloody Valentine, but I wasn't feeling it that week. I wanted a great deal of "non-loud" that week. They were were the one's to bring the wall o' sound though!

Sinclair Fleetwood said...

i like everything about this and want to be more specific, but it is way past my bedtime. #2 just made me want to playfully call you a masochist.